"Yogananda's impact on the religious and spiritual history of the West - and, increasingly India - is unique and unassailable. For that he will always be remembered and celebrated."
Join us as we learn about Spiritual Giants of the 20th & 21st Centuries. This week we focus on Paramahansa Yogananda. Our guest is Philip Goldberg, scholar and host of the Spirit Matters podcast, and the author of a number of books, including The Life of Yogananda: The Story of the Yogi Who Became the First Modern Guru, a book that looks at much of Yogananda’s life not covered in the book, Autobiography of a Yogi. Philip Goldberg fills the gaps, charting a journey that spanned six decades, two hemispheres, two world wars, and unprecedented social changes, presenting a life in all its detail and nuance, presents an insightful and intimate portrait where Yogananda's wisdom and grace are clearly seen as well as his complex humanity.
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A Better World radio show with McNair Ezzard
Streaming Sundays @ 9am ET on wpvmfm.org
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