There are 1.2 million orphans and vulnerable children living in Zambia. A child heads one in every 4 households. The Other Side Foundation (TOSF) works in the impoverished area of George Compound, Lusaka, Zambia and is committed to helping these children at the grassroots level. Through an integrated Values Based Education (Education in Human Values), Nutrition and Health care, children are given a step up in life. TOSF also empowers grandmothers, widows and single mothers through adult education, skills education, and microloans / seed funding. Over 6,000 children have completed their primary school education. Every child needs to eat at least a meal/day, have access to basic healthcare and education.
Join us as our guest, Leela Singaram Champ, Founder & Executive Director of TOSF, talks about this important work and the inspiration for her life of service.
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A Better World radio show with McNair Ezzard
Streaming Sundays @ 9am ET on
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